Meeting The Antithesis : ELAST’ BUT NOT LEAST

The Antithesis is an opportunity to exchange with PhD students in bioinformatics from the MIME team who will present the study of a key protein in aging, at different scales and using different methods, as well as the job of a PhD student.

As part of its the Antithesis meetings, the Moulin de la Housse library invites doctoral students from the URCA to present their work.

The next edition will take place on Tuesday, January 18, 2021 from 1:15 to 2:00 pm at the library:


Meeting with Camille Depenveiller and Aïcha Ben Zemzem, PhD students at the MEDyC laboratory (UMR 7369 CNRS) MIME team of the URCA.

If you think that:
→ you have the age of your arteries
→ the elasticity of your body is not lost before adulthood
→ biology and computer science cannot be combined.

The Anti-Thesis is an opportunity to interact with PhD students in bioinformatics who will present the study of a key protein in aging, at different scales and using different methods, as well as the job of a PhD student.

More information here.

You are welcome to attend!

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To read also


07 July 2021 par Super Administrateur